Your Simple Guide to Chakras + Crystals

Your Simple Guide to Chakras + Crystals


What Are The Seven Chakras?

Chakras are energy centres in the body that influence our emotional and physical wellbeing. Each chakra is aligned with specific qualities and can be balanced with the right crystals. The root chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra are the seven energy points in the body that make up the chakras.


Seven chakra coloured symbols


I’m sure you’ve heard chakras mentioned before, especially if you do yoga, reiki or are already an avid crystal collector. In fact, it's hard to open up any magazines these days without being confronted with spiritual lingo like chakras, mindfulness, smoke cleansing or sound baths!



A row of women with each of the seven chakras lit up against the respective area of the spine


And I’m sure someone has told you at some point that you’ve got a chakra imbalance or blockage to explain why you're feeling out of sorts physically or emotionally.

Don’t worry if you just nod & smile and still have no idea what they’re talking about. I'm here to start to demystify chakras and their associations with crystals and crystal energies

I'm Laura, the Founder of Rock + Realm and a self-confessed crystal enthusiast! Over the past four years, I’ve had the joy of running my ethical crystal business in Norwich, where I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge on the art of sourcing, caring for and working with crystals. My journey has been all about discovering the dos and don'ts of crystals—insights I’m excited to share with you, so you can confidently choose and care for your own collection as part of your wellness practice.

Chakra alignments for crystals

Chakras, crystals and mindful exercise together with self-improvement and relaxation techniques have become ever more popular recently. It's not surprising given modern life is becoming more hectic and a busy lifestyle can easily spill over into emotional stress and physical ailments.

So as I explore chakras and tap into their benefits through crystals, reiki and essential oils, I thought it would be good to share this simple but essential guide with you, so you can also explore new ways to focus your wellbeing practices and get more value from your crystal collection.

By becoming aware of your chakras, you can learn to relax more fully, heighten your consciousness and improve your health and wellbeing.

Eager to understand how chakras influence your spiritual and physical wellbeing? Let’s explore the essentials of chakra healing and how crystals can support you in balancing your energy. In this Simple Guide to Chakras and Crystal Healing, you’ll discover:

  • What are Chakras?: Learn the basics of chakras and their role in maintaining balance within your mind, body and spirit
  • The Seven Chakras: Dive into each chakra’s qualities, from the grounding Root Chakra to the enlightening Crown Chakra, and how they influence your physical and emotional health
  • How Crystals Support Chakra Balancing: Understand the powerful connection between specific crystals and each chakra, and how they help to align and energise your energy centres
  • Practical Tips for Using Crystals: Get advice on how to use crystals in meditation, healing practices and daily life to support your chakra health and spiritual growth

Whether you're just beginning your chakra journey or looking to deepen your practice, this simple chakra and crystal guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge to create a balanced, harmonious energy flow with the help of crystals.

What is Chakra Healing?

Chakra is an ancient meditation practice that originates from the Sanskrit word for ‘wheel'. There are 7 chakras around your body, with 7 different centres of energy. Each chakra is connected to an area of the body and an emotional state. 

The Heart Chakra represents love and connection, and is often associated with green stones like green aventurine.

It is believed that by balancing these energies your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing will benefit. Wearing or carrying crystals that correspond to a particular chakra can help you align that chakra.

Seven crystals of each colour of the rainbow displayed on a grey cotton gift bag

You can use chakra crystals in a number of ways to benefit from their healing energies to open and align specific chakras:

Understanding the seven chakras can open pathways to enhanced wellness, balance and inner peace. If you're curious about exploring chakra alignment for yourself, our Seven Chakra crystal sets make it easy to bring crystal healing into your routine. 


Opening and balancing your chakras to live your best life


From our root to our crown, the seven chakra points running the length of our spine are a major highway for energy to flow. Through these seven sacred points we receive and send out all kinds of emotional, spiritual and physical energy.

Seven Chakra Energy Centres healing infographic guide

When our chakras are blocked this can interrupt the flow of energy and can lead to an imbalance in our system which can have a negative effect on our holistic wellbeing.

Our aim is to have all the seven chakra points open, unblocked and flowing freely, so that we can stand in balance, be open to opportunity and thrive! When we are in full alignment we can live a life fulfilling our highest potential. 

Wooden dish of Chakra Sage Smudge Bundles

Fortunately there are many things you can do to balance and maintain your chakra energy, some of which you are probably already doing.

Common healing techniques include eating healthily, reiki, meditation, yoga, essential oils, reflexology, mindful affirmations and crystals.

Reiki is a fantastic way to understand what’s going on with your chakras and where to focus your energy, which I wholeheartedly recommend trying. A reiki full body scan is particularly helpful if you are new to chakras as you’ll have the benefit of a trained practitioner to guide and support you

How do crystals help to balance or open my chakras?

Crystals vibrate at different frequencies based upon their colours and form, which can be beneficial when you work with a crystal that resonates with the specific colour frequencies of a chakra.

For example the Throat Chakra resonates at the same frequency as the colour blue and therefore crystals to work with to balance and open the Throat Chakra are blue crystals like Sodalite, Fluorite or Apatite 


For thousands of years, healing crystals have assisted in keeping chakras cleansed and open for vital energies to flow. Crystals are ideal to help shake loose any stagnant energy and heal your body, mind and spirit. Crystals can help us to spring clean our energetic systems and to make sure that we keep our inner house in harmony.

Your essential guide for the Seven Chakras

Now that you are more familiar with what chakras are and why you would want to spend time balancing and opening the energy flow between your chakras, let's take a closer look at each of the chakras in turn.

In this guide, I'll share the main features of each chakra, including the colour frequencies and elements it aligns to and what crystals and essential oils you could use to harmonise those frequencies.

Chakra point guide image

The seven chakras should be understood as an energy flow similar to water flowing down a river. To get the most benefit from opening the energy flow you should focus on your chakras from root to crown. If your lower chakras are blocked or unbalanced, you will get little benefit from spending time connecting with your higher chakras, in the same way a dam at the start of a river system will prevent the water flowing to the ocean.

This simple chakra guide will step you through from the solid foundation of your root or first chakra sequentially until you reach the seventh chakra associated with your crown and spiritual enlightenment.


Build Strong Foundations by Balancing your Root Chakra

Root Chakra Sanskrit image for Muladhara


Muladhara or the Root chakra is considered the first chakra.

The Root chakra is connected to our feelings around safety and stability, the base or root of our hierarchy of needs, i.e. our survival instinct. The Root Chakra is the foundation of all other chakras and when given the right attention will give a solid platform to work on other areas of your life.

When your Root chakra opens you feel grounded and secure no matter what is going on around you, you are resilient to life's ups & downs and feel emotionally & physically strong and capable.

Mantra - I Am

Location - The base of the spine

Colour - Dark Red + Black

Element - Earth

Crystals to balance your Root Chakra have earthly vibes and protective powers -

Carnelian, SardonyxTourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, Shungite, Garnet, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Hematite

    Essential Oils to balance and open your root chakra - 

    Aromatherapy oils, especially grounding scents like vetiver, cedarwood and patchouli, can be highly effective for opening and balancing the root chakra.

    • Ginger, Patchouli, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Myrrh

    Known as the energy centre for security, stability and grounding, the root chakra (located at the base of the spine) is linked to our sense of physical presence and safety.

    These earthy essential oils help calm the mind, ease anxiety and connect us to the present moment—qualities that support a balanced root chakra. Diffusing these oils, applying them in diluted form to pulse points or using them in meditation can reinforce feelings of stability and rootedness, helping to energise and align the root chakra.

     Ready to explore crystals for your Root Chakra? Check out our collection here.

    Collection of red, orange and grey carnelian crystal pyramids


     Tools and Techniques for Balancing your Sacral Chakra

    Sacral Chakra sanskrit image for svadhisthana


    Svadhisthana or the Sacral chakra is considered the second chakra.

    The Sacral chakra is our centre for pleasure and play, home to our sexual energy & fertility as well as our creative force.

    When your Sacral chakra opens you can access your playful inner child, express your desires and art without fear and invite joy into your life.  

    Mantra - I Feel

    Location - Just below the navel in the centre of the abdomen

    Colour - Warming orange and yellow

    Element - Water

    Crystals to balance your Sacral Chakra have warm nurturing or fun earthly energy -

    Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Aragonite, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, peach moonstone


    Essential Oils to balance and open your Sacral chakra - 

    • Ylang Ylang, Fennel, Sandalwood, Sweet Orange, Bergamot

    For balancing the sacral chakra, aromatherapy oils like sweet orange, ylang ylang and clary sage are especially powerful.

    The sacral chakra, located just below the navel, is connected to creativity, pleasure and emotional expression. These oils have uplifting and soothing qualities that help ease emotional blockages, promote joy and encourage self-acceptance—qualities essential to a balanced sacral chakra. Try diffusing these oils, adding a few drops to a bath, or using them in meditation to connect with your inner creativity and sensuality.

     Ready to explore crystals for your Sacral Chakra? Check out our collection here.

    Juicy Orange Calcite Crystal Sphere


    Opening and Balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra

    Solar Plexus Chakra Sanskrit image for Manipura

    Manipura or the Solar Plexus chakra is considered the third chakra.

    The Solar Plexus chakra is associated with your personal power, intellect, ambition and how you physically and emotionally hold space for yourself.

    When your Solar Plexus chakra opens you feel in control of your life, empowered, confident, follow your gut and feel super motivated.

    Mantra - I Act

    Location - The upper abdomen just below the breastbone in the center of the body

    Colour - Yellow + Gold

    Element - Fire

    Crystals to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra are sunny, bright and alive -

    Citrine, Golden Tiger's Eye, Golden Healer, Moonstone, Pyrite, Amber, Calcite, Yellow Jasper, Golden Rutilated Quartz


    Essential Oils to balance and open your Solar Plexus chakra - 

    To balance the solar plexus chakra, essential oils like lemon, ginger and rosemary are ideal. 

    • Lemongrass, Rosemary, Juniper, Clary Sage, Lemon Balm

    The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is the centre of personal power, confidence and motivation. These invigorating, spicy and citrusy oils help boost energy, sharpen focus and promote a sense of inner strength—qualities essential to a balanced solar plexus. Try using these oils in a diffuser, as a roller blend or during meditation to feel empowered and centred in your purpose.


    Ready to explore crystals for your Solar Plexus Chakra? Check out our collection here.

    A small turquoise hamsa hand dish filled with sparkling golden pyrite clusters


    How to Open your Heart Chakra with Crystals & Aromatherapy

    Heart chakra Sanskrit image for Anahata


    Anahata or the Heart chakra is considered the fourth chakra.

    The Heart chakra is associated with balance, empathy and unconditional love.

    When your Heart chakra opens you experience a feeling of joy, compassion and interconnectedness with the world around you and you are quick to forgive others.

    Mantra - I Love

    Location - The centre of your spine level with your heart

    Colour - Green or Pink

    Element - Air

    Crystals to balance your Heart Chakra are soft, loving and rich in compassion -

    Bloodstone, Aventurine, Moss Agate, Amazonite, Jade, Green Apophyllite, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Pink Amethyst 

    Essential Oils to balance and open your Heart chakra - 

    Rose, Neroli, Thyme, Jasmine, Geranium, Cypress


    extra large lilac coloured raw kunzite crystal pieces in a wooden dish 


    Tools to unblock your Throat Chakra

    Throat Chakra Sanskrit image for Vishuddha

    Vishuddha or the Throat chakra is considered the fifth chakra.

    The Throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression and the ability to speak your truth.

    When your Throat chakra opens you are better able to communicate what you feel with clarity, compassion and fearlessness. When this chakra is in balance you will also be open to listening to and hearing others.

    Mantra - I Speak

    Location - The centre of your neck

    Colour - Blue

    Element - Ether

    Crystals to balance your Throat Chakra are gentle, calming and free flowing -

    Sodalite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Celestine, Fluorite, Labradorite, Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Azurite 


    Essential Oils to balance and open your Throat chakra - 

    Lavender, Rosemary, Chamomile, Lime, Blue Tansy, Pine, Peppermint


    Blue wooden dish filled with blue celestite crystal clusters


    How to Open and Balance your Third Eye Chakra

    Third Eye Chakra Sanskrit image for Ajna 


    Ajna or the Third Eye chakra is considered the sixth chakra.

    The Third Eye chakra is about Intuition, understanding and enlightenment. 

    When your Third Eye chakra opens you are better able to connect with the present moment. When this chakra is in balance you feel perceptive, able to think clearly and make sound decisions.

    Mantra - I See

    Location - In the centre of your brow

    Colour - Purple & Indigo

    Element - Ether

    Crystals to balance your Third Eye Chakra are those that unleash your intuition and open your mind 

    Amethyst, Lepidolite, Fluorite, Iolite, Labradorite 


    Essential Oils to balance and open your Third Eye chakra - 

    Holy Basil, Frankincense, Laurel, Angelica, Melissa, Clary Sage


    A glass star dish filled with high quality amethyst spheres



    Ways to Open and Balance your Crown Chakra

    Crown chakra Sanskrit image for Sahasrara

    Sahasrara or the crown chakra is considered the seventh chakra.

    The Crown chakra is about spiritual connection and transformation. 

    When your crown chakra opens you experience spiritual growth, wisdom and connection to higher consciousness. This in turn gives you a sense of unity, power and self-understanding.

    Mantra - I Know

    Location - Top of your head

    Colour - Violet & White

    Element - Spirit

    Crystals to balance your Crown Chakra are high vibrational and pure light - Selenite, Quartz, Apophyllite, Rainbow Moonstone, Calcite, Lodalite, Howlite


    Essential Oils to balance and open your Crown chakra - 

    Palo Santo, Linden, Lotus, Lavender, Frankincense


    Three clear quartz double terminated crystal points from Brazil



    Unlock the Potential of Your Chakras with Crystal Healing

    The significance of chakras and crystal healing goes beyond just balancing energy—it’s about aligning your body, mind and spirit to create a harmonious flow of life force energy. Chakras serve as the body's energetic roadmap and when balanced, they promote a sense of wholeness, clarity and wellbeing. Crystals act as powerful tools to help clear blockages, enhance energy flow and support our emotional and spiritual growth.

    By incorporating chakra healing into your daily routine, whether through crystals, meditation, or mindful practices, you are nurturing your own journey toward balance, healing, and deeper connection with yourself.

    Chakra energy healing guide for crystals

    As you can see, chakra and crystal healing are deeply connected, with each crystal offering unique properties to support the energy of specific chakras. You'll notice in our product descriptions that I’ve highlighted the chakra each crystal resonates with, making it easier for you to find the perfect stone for your needs.

    I’ve also curated Chakra Collections, so you can easily explore crystals tailored for chakra balancing, whether you’re working on a particular energy centre or simply want to enhance your overall wellbeing.

    To deepen your understanding and expand your practice, check out our library of wellness books for more insights into crystal healing and chakra work.

    Ready to align your chakra energy with crystals?

    Imagine starting your morning by selecting a crystal from your Seven Chakra gift set, setting an intention for balance and allowing yourself a moment of stillness. It's a small, grounding ritual that can make a big difference in your day.

    Our Seven Chakra gift sets make a meaningful, personal gift or an addition to your self-care routine. Explore the collection and find the set that resonates with you.





    Keep Growing with our Crystal 101 Blog Posts

    Our Beginners Guide to Buying Crystals
    Our Beginners Guide to Starting Your Crystal Collection
    How to incorporate Crystals into your Wellbeing practices
    The Joy of using Crystals with Children



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